你藏在角落 |
這是第二次看你, 我們期待聽到你的心跳聲! 在照超音波時, 醫生試著找你, 但是找不到, 她問你媽媽 "妳有不正常出血嗎? 也有可能是不健康的胚胎, 過一段時間後就會萎縮了." 我們聽了都好緊張, 好不失望.
在一片靜默時, 醫生不放棄地試著改用陰道超音波, 結果發現你竟然躲在小角落! 你怎麼可以這樣嚇人呢! 突然間, "咚咚..咚咚" 的聲音響亮地放出, 你的心臟在跳喔! 不過醫生說你這七週的胚胎有點小, 兩週後再來看看是否有長大.
這次產檢完, 你媽媽並不開心, 認為你沒有正常長大.
This is the second visit to you. We expect to hear your heartbeat. The doctor tried to scan you, but she couldn't see you. "Had you bled abnormally? Well, it's possibly that it's an abnormal fetus and it could shrink and be gone", said the doctor while she was scanning. Your mom and me were so nervous and frustrated.
The doctor then tried to use vaginal ultrasound scanner and luckily she found you! How dare you hid from us! Suddenly, a continuous "Ton-ton" sound was played and that meant your heart was beating. However, the doctor said you were a little small for about 7-week fetus. "We'll see if he grows up or not after 2 weeks", said the doctor.
After this prenatal visit, you mom was very upset about your abnormal grow-up.