在羊水中的小胚胎 |
這幾天你媽媽一直不放心你, 於是自己安排了一次產檢, 在士林的一家診所, 是你 Jenny 阿姨介紹的.
今天是下雨天, 你媽媽在公司加班加太久, 都快到打烊的時間了, 才和我搭計程車來到診所, 果然我們是最後一個掛號的, 而且診所裡已經沒有人在等了. 醫生看起來很有經驗(老), 問了一些問題後, 就開始看超音波. 不知是你不玩躲貓貓了, 還是"薑是老的辣", 馬上就找到你了, 接著放了你的心跳給我們聽, 頻率是每秒約 150 下, 並且說你很正常, 要我們不要擔心你(胚胎)的大小, 因為小蟲蟲達陣時間並不是我們算得那麼精確.
離開醫院後, 又感受到你媽媽高興的心情, 晚餐給它好好大吃了一頓.
Your mom scheduled an extra prenatal visit in a women's clinic introduced by Jenny who said it's a good one in Shi-lin.
It was raining that day. Your mom and I took taxi to the clinic and were the last one checked in since your mom had worked so late. Well, then the doctor asked us something and started to see you by ultrasound. The doctor seemed experienced and found you quickly. He played your heartbeat, which was about 150 times/s. He also said you were normal and wanted us not to worry about your size since the time you got started(well, fertilization in medical term) might not be accurate.
You mom was very happy after this visit. We ate a lot that night.