2011年5月12日 星期四

Pregnancy Week 14

頭頭到屁屁是 7.9 公分

今天是每兩週一次的產檢, 我們期待知道你的性別喔! 不過, 產檢時, 你竟然背對著我們, 結果當然是看不到你有沒有長"花生"了. 你的頭頭到屁屁的長度是 7.90 公分, 醫生說成長的不錯, 很健康, 這也是我們期待聽到的喔!

It was a scheduled visit and we expected to know your sex today. However, you were hiding it(your little peanut) from us. The length between your head's top and your butt is now 7.90cm. You are bigger and healthy. That's what we expect as well!

