頭頭到屁屁是 10.82 公分 |
今天是例行產檢, 上次沒看出你的性別, 這次醫生試著找"花生", 不過還是找不到, 因此她判斷妳是個小女孩喔! 你媽媽聽了還蠻高興的, 因為他一直認為女孩很貼心, 我也覺得不管是小男孩還是小女孩都好. 不過, 醫生又仔細找了一會兒, 看到了像是"花生"的東西, 說你是一個小男孩, 又過了一會兒, 她說性別還不是很確定. 你還真頑皮, 不想讓我們知道你的性別, 是吧?
醫生說你又長大了, 很健康喔! 這比你的性別還重要啦! 要乖喔!
PS. 妳媽媽跟我想要知道你的性別, 因為我們想要叫對你的小名, 從還沒懷孕前, 你就被我們取了"小汪", 不過現在有可能是小女孩, 你媽媽取了"萌萌"給你(最近在看犀利人妻啊!), 所以小汪是男生, 萌萌是女生, 我們現在都亂叫了, 一下叫小汪, 一下又叫萌萌.
It was a scheduled visit. Last time the doctor said we may know your sex this time. This time, the doctor tried to find your peanut, but couldn't find it so she told us you were a baby girl. However, she tried again to see details and found something like peanut. Then she said "Sorry, you are a baby boy." And after a while, she said your sex still couldn't be determined. You naughty baby! You didn't want us to know your sex, right? :-)
The doctor said you were bigger(10.82cm) and healthy. That was more than your sex. Be good!
PS. We would like to know your sex because we want to call you the right name. Now you have two nicknames, one is SmallWon for a boy and the other is MoonMoon for a girl. We sometimes call you both or call you SmallMoonWon. What a funny name!
4D 超音波 |