2011年8月20日 星期六

Good Developers

  1. Lines of code per day
  2. Lines of correct code per day
  3. Lines of correct, well-documented code per day
  4. Lines of clean, simple, correct, well-documented code per day
  5. Ability to solve customer problems quickly
對公司老闆, 業務, 非 RD 背景的主管來說, 答案應該是 5. 不過對 RD 來說, 答案會是 4. 當然 4+5 鐵定會是人見人愛的開發人員.

由 4 延伸出的意義會是:
  1. Good developers do more with less code
  2. Good developers write code with less bugs
  3. Good developers write maintainable code

除了 coding 外呢?
  • Good developers take ownership so you don’t have to (好的開發人員, 對交付的工作, 會主動且積極收集資料, 直到能夠開始 coding 為止)
  • Programmers who understand the big picture make smarter decisions, because they are able to reuse code and combine features effectively. (對專案有愈完整的了解, 愈能將架構定得好.)
  • Getting away from a problem sometimes is a good way to solve it (在黑暗中摸索, 偶爾換個方向, 會更容易走出去喔!)
  • Code is not complete when a developer says it is complete. (不是寫完程式就算完成了, 可得自己測過, 測試人員測過, code review 過才算!)

此外, 資歷淺的開發人員常會犯 NIH 症候群 (Not Invented Here syndrome), 不是自己開發的不用. 要達到前面所述 4+5 的話, 可要想想以下幾點:
  • Why build what you can buy?
  • Why buy what you can borrow?
  • Why borrow what you can steal?

